Fall analysis
Falls are common. In the Netherlands, every 5 minutes a person over 65 falls so seriously that treatment at the Emergency Department is necessary. Many falls can be prevented with simple measures.
Can you answer one or more of the questions below with ‘Yes’? Please contact your physiotherapist for a fall analysis.
- Did you fall in the past 12 months?
- Do you have trouble moving, walking or keeping balance?
- Are you 65 years or older?
- Do you want to live comfortably and independently for as long as possible?
By conducting a fall analysis, the physiotherapist can work with you to find out why there is a higher risk of falling. Think of fear of falling, difficulty moving, dizziness, problems with vision, use of medication, etc.
The physiotherapist will come to your home twice for a fall analysis. In a conversation and by means of a number of simple tests, advice will be given or a possible follow-up program (exercise program) will be drawn up.
If you are additionally insured, the fall analysis will be reimbursed by your insurer.
Linske Vreugdenhil conducts the fall analysis at Group Practice Minerva.